Ultra Flat Screw

Make your car unique
Made one by one from titanium bars.
These screws can count on a head of only 0.9mm thickness.
Below the extremely thin head there’s a cylindrical part
of 1.4mm that allows a perfect centering without preventing tightening.

OFC-TUFS-3X20 – (x4) 20mm
Particularly suitable for:
Top decks with 1.6mm thicknesses and shock tower.

OfficinaRC “UFS” Titamium are made in various sizes and available in kit for the most popular models.

Deep Version
OFC-TUFS-3X5 – (x4) 5mm
The UFS Deep version has been specifically designed to be used in Awesomatix and Mugen steering blocks.

These screws are made of titanium with the best precision machines by experts Italian craftsmen in order to create a product destined to become a reference for those who’s looking for the best experience.
The attractive design and extreme technical characteristics project these screws to
become the object of desire of those who’s looking for maximise any performances.
Titanium 'Ti-6AI4V'
Ti-6Al4V is the most widely used titanium alloy in the motorsport and aerospace market. This alloy contains 6% aluminum and 4% vanadium. Is an excellent combination of endurance to efforts and toughness, with extra resistance to corrosion.
> Lightness (density 4.43g / cm3)
> High specific breaking load (225.73 MPa / (g / cm3) per unit of density) (breaking load 1000 Mpa)
> Biocompatibility
> Low thermal and electrical conductivity
> Corrosion and stress corrosion cracking resistance